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  • Writer's pictureSherry Barnum

A piece of home in Plano

For those of you who know me, you know I have a heart in the shape of Michigan. I mean, ever since I moved to Texas almost three years ago, I kept saying I was leaving in two years — this will never be “home.” Then I fell victim to making friends and really “diving in.” Well, hold on tight because the story I am about to tell you is going to blow your mind. A couple weeks ago I had made plans to meet some friends at Legacy Hall, an upscale food court (yes that’s a real thing), to get waffles. Yes, waffles, and they are the most amazing thing ever. Bear with me as I take you down this rabbit trail — these waffles are made to order — you can put whatever you want on them. Well, whatever they have on their list. Me, I usually get bananas, strawberries, peanut butter, caramel, whipped cream and, to top it off, sprinkles. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking, “Welcome to sugar coma!” But it is awesome! They even have ones that have bacon, a fried egg and cheese, if you are into that sort of thing. Me, not so much — I’ll stick with the sprinkles, thank you. Anyway, as I was saying, I was going to meet some friends at Legacy Hall for waffles, until I was at work checking out “Plano Magazine” one night and saw that they had opened a Kilwins in the Shops at Legacy. YES! A KILWINS! The Petoskey-based store that makes fudge and ice cream. As I did a little more research I started to get excited. You know why I got excited? I got excited because Kilwins has ice cream, and you know what kind of ice cream they have? You guessed it! SUPERMAN! I started to squeal from my desk as my part-timers came running back asking if I was OK. I couldn’t contain my excitement. I was almost crying! Of course, I wasn’t 100 percent sure they had ice cream, but their pictures on their Facebook page were telling me they did. And if it’s on Facebook it must be true, right? I sent out the group text and told the guys there had been a change of plans and we would be meeting at Kilwins before waffles, because I wanted to share one of my favorite things about Michigan with them. The next day came and I couldn’t wait! I was trying to contain my excitement and not get my hopes up because the way things have been going the last month I was sure this would be nothing but a letdown. We were meeting around 7:30, but one couldn’t make it until 8:30, so I — in true Sherry fashion — ended up getting there early, because I didn’t want them to have to deal with having to see me get my spirits crushed. So, I parked my car, walked toward Kilwins, pushed the door open, and took in the smells of homemade fudge, waffle cones and chocolate — Michigan. As I walked slowly toward the back where the ice cream was, my stomach was going crazy with butterflies. I got closer and closer, trying to tell myself they didn’t have it, but as soon as I got to the back I looked down and saw SUPERMAN ICE CREAM! I started squealing as tears filled my eyes. I know, dramatic. But guys! This is major for me. You see, I have loved Superman ice cream since I was a little girl. It was the ice cream I got after every game and every car ride with my dad. It was home. It still is home. As I stood there squealing and talking in a loud annoying voice about how much I love Superman ice cream and how I am from Michigan and how excited I was about this to the employees, everyone stared at me. The employees were so nice as they told me I wasn’t the first person from Michigan to do what I just did in the store. What a relief that I’m not the only one! I told them I would be back with my friends and ran out of the store. I made about three or four trips back to the store that night and, yes, I got my Superman ice cream. I was so thankful to share that with some of my favorite people that night, and the last time I went in the manager asked me if I was just pulling people off the street at this point. I just laughed and told her she hadn’t seen the last of me yet. I can’t tell you how much I have hoped and prayed that this place would start to feel like home. And I know this sounds silly because it’s just ice cream, but you can ask my mom — ever since I moved down here, I’ve asked her to ship me Superman ice cream and she’s refused. Because to me Superman ice cream is home, and now I have a little piece of home here in Texas. So, if you ever want to call me up and get ice cream, I’ll head over to Kilwins, grab my Superman ice cream and it will be like I’m home.

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